Saturday, January 16, 2010

A great "assignment" from my midwife that I thought you might enjoy.

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I had a good time dreaming and enjoying today. Thanks for this "assignment" it was so fun! I'm getting excited!
If I could plan my labor...

If labor began during the day, I would begin labor with gentle contractions. I would continue with the normal daily routine, but probably with a little bit of a spring to my step. I would feel excited and take the time to discuss with my baby and my children what to expect and how we all felt about it. I would let everyone who was going to be joining us know that labor had begun and that they were welcome to come any time as long as they understood that early labor would probably not be extremely exciting. LOL! I would also have a good plan in place for contacting my husband at work as well as having the boys taken out to keep them occupied so that we would avoid any stress or tension that might come with arranging this in the moment. Labor would progress in its own time: not so slow that I'd become exhausted, but not too fast that I couldn't enjoy and adjust to it.
During early labor I would laugh and joke with my friends talking about funny stories or remeniscing on good times. Maybe we would look at old photos, scrapbook, watch old family movies or listen to a funny book while working on a project. Those around me would not make a big deal out of my contractions and labor leaving me to do as I need to do and enjoy myself. As labor progressed and I had to start concentrating no one would make a big deal, but every once in awhile someone would let me know they noticed what was going on.
At a point that things get much more intense I'd have a very respectful atmosphere. I'd be surrounded by the people I love and who love me. We wouldn't be talking or joking so much unless I lead that way, but we'd all be working together to bring this baby into the world. I wouldn't mind if people wanted to take a break or chit chat together, but maybe in a different room or part of the house. I'd want those around me to touch me instinctually and not to wait for me to ask if they can help me. On the other hand, I wouldn't want them to be offended if I rejected the kind of touch or help they offered.
During second stage I would want to just go with the flow of my body. Whatever it told me to do I'd want to feel safe and supported to do. I wouldn't want to be the "spectacle" or the "bringer of everyone else's joy". I would want us to be there working together, not meaning that anyone would have to touch or physically be there, but I'd want to feel the whole room working together to bring the baby out. We'd all have worked hard by this point. We all do this together! Immediately after the baby is born I would have a still moment, a moment of wonder and awe at what had unfolded, a moment when my little family could bond. Then it would be time to celebrate!!!
After the baby is born I would like to have everyone celebrate and be happy, not just with me or the baby, but with themselves...with us as a group. I'd like them to celebrate the life and the miracle that happened, to bask in it, not as if the baby's birth is the end, but a beautiful transition that they had a part of. I would have everyone stay and enjoy a meal and some birthday cake maybe. The same joyful and light atmosphere as in early labor would return and tears of joy and love would flow.
When people began to leave I would have my immediate family at home. Maybe some close friends or family would stay at the house to help the boys transition. I would take a beautiful nap with the baby and just enjoy his smell, his little life. Maybe Sage would join us if he felt like it.
Over the next few days I would have preparations in place so that life would not just seem like an endless stream of work, but that it would seem to stand still so that we could bask in the joy of our little blessing. The transition out of this would be calm and peaceful... an unforced transition back into daily routine. A new and fresh life for our family.
If labor began at night, I imagine a serene, peaceful enviroment. People sleeping as they could, not waiting on me as if I was a ticking time bomb, but enjoying the process and letting me do what I need to in some soltitude. I imagine less people at the house and a full moon shining into the skylights in the living room. We would make "beds" on the couches and floor for everyone to rest on. I think I'd want to be there with everyone, just doing my own thing. Maybe I'd have some beautiful peaceful music on and be drinking warm tea or resting.
This would be my labor if I could plan it. If labor did progress very quickly, I think that I'd need lots of celebration and support afterwards. I'd probably need lots of friends to drop over so that I could talk over what happened during the birth and for them to be joyful over the miracle. If things went slower than expected, I think I'd welcome much more hands on help, naps, alone time, etc...

It won't be too long before I will be able to compare this "dream" with what the Lord has in store for the birth of this baby. I'm glad that He is in control and knows what is happening always. I choose to trust Him throughout the birth of His wonderful blessing, and to give Him the praise for His work.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for this! we've talked before about how the concept of "birth plans" is kind of silly, because each birth is different and unpredictable, but even when I did this with The Squids birth, I realy felt like it helped cement the general "feeling" I was wanting. and though, of course, The Squid's birth was just like she is (quick and unpredictable!), I still felt like I really got what I was going for with the birth. and while it was just you, me, Ethan and Pamela, we really had that feeling of celebration. though once the throngs started arriving that sort of got lost. reading this really made me realize how much I want to be there for your birth to celebrate with you!
